субота, 27 жовтня 2018 р.

Продвижение видео в YouTube:(чек-лист по раскрутке 2018) seoquick.com.uaПосмо...

Продвижение видео в YouTube:(чек-лист по раскрутке 2018) seoquick.com.uaПосмо...

YouTube video promotion: (2018 promotion checklist)

Everything you need to know about promoting videos in YouTube, in one article.
All effective internal and external optimization methods that use successful video feeds.
If you need to promote your video or channel, you are in the right place.
Let's see why in the modern world to create and promote video content.
Online video is becoming increasingly popular, sometimes even an indispensable tool for attracting customers, so we decided to describe in detail how to properly promote the video in YouTube.
All effective methods are internal and external optimization, which use successful video feeds.
If you need to promote your video or channel, you are in the right place.
Let's break the work plan into stages and take a detailed look at each step, step by step.
Video search keys are different from ordinary search queries.
Most search queries that come from YouTube are not from search.
But you need to optimize your channel and video for organic search and for YouTube.
Suppose the search query “life insurance“ receives about 100,000 traffic per month in Google, and only 50 in YouTube.
Indicators for “cute cats” (cute cats) are significantly higher in YouTube than in Google.
Let's look at 5 of my favorite tools for collecting search queries.
Enter keyword in YouTube search
Try different options with two, three or more keys.

Install this free Google Chrome app and check the keys of your competitors.
After installation, log in to the Tubebuddy system.
Next, select the video you are interested in and click tags.
You will receive keywords that are optimized for this video, as well as green marked positions in YouTube-search.
If you see a poorly optimized video in the issue, then you have a good opportunity to move it from there :-)
Tubularlabs is a cool free trial for checking your competitors' channels.
How to use it?
First of all, log in to the system using gmail.com (Sign in with Youtube).
If the system gives an error (this is what happened to me), go through the full registration.
After you logged in, go to your wall .
In the search, find the channel you are interested in (in the free version no more than 5 channels).
For example, chose Seoprofy.
In the top menu, select INSIGHT and check statistics, as well as study information about what other channels viewers of this channel are watching.
A convenient shareware search tool for Google, Bing, Amazon, App store and YouTube keywords.
In the free version, you can pick up a list of keys, other parameters are paid (traffic, cost per click and the level of competition in Adwords).
The service also has filters by languages, countries and the ability to add negative keywords.
The most delicious for dessert! 
If you already have active participants on the channel, the analyst shows the best keys for which you are already ranked.
Consider the young and promising “ Weight Loss Top - Real Product Reviews ” channel (Real reviews on weight loss products).
We first study his board.
Click “Analytics” (analytics) and “Traffic Sources” (traffic sources).
Under the chart, choose Youtube search.
Here we see all the keywords for which the channel is already ranked.
What do we do with all these requests?
If you have keys that fall into the TOP, but they are not in the top positions, then work with them.
For example, the keyword “sletrokor review” is not ranked in the TOP-10.
This video is not fully optimized for this key.
Add additional keys to the tags and extend the Description (description) at the expense of additional keys.
If your video doesn’t match a specific key, create other relevant content.
If you want to get into the TOP, you need to shoot a cool video!
What does it mean?
Cool video should be interesting, fun, useful.
Then it will increase the number of regular subscribers.
It is also important not to forget about the metric and analyze:
  • session time;
  • viewing time;
  • audience retention;
  • spectator involvement;
  • CTR (click-through).
Keep these indicators in your head, create a video for your audience.
Let's sort these figures.
This is the number one factor in YouTube.
It indicates the total number of minutes during which your video is viewed.
This parameter can be viewed in YouTube Analytics.
How to optimize video for total viewing time?
First create a long video.
Suppose you have created 2 videos: video A - 12 minutes, video B - 4 minutes.
The average video viewing rate is 40%, it turns out video A looks longer 3 times.
The simple fact is that long content on competitive keywords is ranked better!
Retention is one of the most important factors in ranking Google.
This is the percentage of viewing your video.
Obviously, the more watching your video, the better for ranking.
How to optimize content on audience retention?
The impact of the first 15 seconds is of paramount importance.
Youtube recommends focusing on this length of time.
It is the first 15 seconds that show whether your video will be interesting.
During this period of time, you must hook your audience.
Spend a few minutes to check the performance of the peak and the decline of viewing your video.
Top and fall.
This will help you understand what works and what makes the viewer go.
View session time shows how long users spend on YouTube after watching your video.
This is also a ranking factor, which increases the time spent by users in YouTube.
In other words, YouTube encourages video feeds that keep an audience on their resource.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to measure these statistics, we cannot view the further path of users.
How to optimize for this ranking factor?
First, create a playlist.
It delays users on your channel, respectively, the session time is higher.
Let's playlists literate names, include keys with long tails in them, then they will rank your channel better.
Second, create links at the end of your video:
  • to your channel;
  • to another interesting video;
  • subscribe to your feed.
This will keep the audience on your channel.
All these actions are performed in the Video manager => videos => add element
YouTube does not want users to passively watch your video.
Important activity of the audience.
How many likes, comments, uploads of your video to the playlist has been made - all of this is of great importance.
The more such actions were performed, the more positive signals for ranking.
2 tips for improving user engagement. ASK LEAVE A COMMENT
People are lazy by nature, they do not like to waste their time and be active.
Ask them to do it!
Post a content call to action! REPLY TO COMMENTS
Answer all comments on the video.
Replies to comments provoke comments more.
More comments = more positive ranking factors.
Now you have optimized your video for search queries, proceed to further stages of optimization.
In addition to optimizing for YouTube, you need to optimize your video for search engines.
In Title, you must use a keyword and a call to view - all this increases the CTR (clickability).
Write more than 200 words in the description, it will help YouTube to understand your video more deeply and rank it by long keywords.
3.3. TAGS
The video tags play an important role in the internal optimization, in contrast to the usual pages of the site, where they have lost their role.
Do not add more than 5 tags, one of them must be promoted key.
Youtube understands what you say by 90%.
The resource makes the transcription of their videos.
To view the transcription under the video, click ... more (more) => transcript (transcription).
Give a 100% understanding of what your video is about by uploading a transcription file to YouTube.
Also follow the file creation rule .
It is best to pronounce the promoted key in context 1 or 2 times.
CTR - an important ranking algorithm in YouTube, shows how often the search results were transferred to your video.
Why does YouTube show videos that they don’t want to transfer to? Of course, in the TOP there will be only content with good performance.
How to optimize video for CTR?
Like in the CEO, it depends on the Title whether it will be transferred to your video or not.
The title should contain the key phrase, you also need to take care of its attractiveness.
In the given example, “how to lose weight fast” (how to lose weight quickly) video in TOP uses its attractive title:
  • 10 kg in 10 days;
  • TOP-10 ways (not examples);
  • 1 kg for 1 day (diet plan);
  • Lifestyle - healthy food.
Pay attention to the pictures to the video in the TOP issue.
Many of them were made individually for video, for visualization and disclosure of the essence.
The first 125 characters are shown in the search results, and video viewing also depends on them.
Embed promoted keys and a call to action in these 125 characters!
Many video feeds ignore this indicator!
Video channel and all your videos are optimized, go to the next stage!
The authority of the channel plays an important role in promoting video in YouTube.
Video posted on a reputable channel with a constant audience will be ranked higher than on the newly created channel.
How to quickly make a channel authoritative?
There is not much to be original, if you have a website, take the same logo.
If there is no site, but only a video channel, create one.
Remember, the most memorable logo is the word that is the name of your channel.
How does your channel differ from other existing ones?
Create your purple cow, focus on a unique selling proposition.
Report your mission in the name and slogan of the channel.
This and inform the name and slogan of your channel.
Name: Weight Loss Top - Real Product Reviews
Slogan: “ Your health is very important for us ” (your health is very important for us).
Do not copy others, better learn competitors, think about what will work best for your company.
Do not create complex and incomprehensible elements, only easily perceived.
Create an “About” page, include your slogan and keywords there.
The more subscribers you have, the better.
Direct or indirect is a ranking factor, unknown.
Only obviously, on popular channels a new video quickly gains more views and quickly gets into the TOP.
How to gain a large number of subscribers with white methods?
Many video channels do not make it, placing on the main popular or latest video.
If you want to reveal the essence of your channel - create a trailer.
Answer the questions first:
  • Who you are?
  • What are you interested in?
  • What is your unique selling proposition?
  • Why should I be your subscriber?
What makes your trailer interesting:
  • length - no more than 1 minute;
  • It causes emotions: curiosity, fear;
  • funny
  • Leaves no doubt that you need to subscribe.
As you make links to your social networks, just post and links to your video.

400 hours of video is uploaded every minute to YouTube!
Among so much content, you can really get lost.
For effective promotion you need the right strategy!
Google and Yandex allocates some requests for video results.
Let's call them “video keys”.
The most interesting thing is that Yandex and Google offer one issue with YouTube with the only difference that the link to the title leads to Yandex.Video.
Youtube with only one difference that the link header leads to Yandex. Video.
View your keys from the semantic core in search engines.
If a video is issued for requests, then this is a video key.
Of course, it’s harder to rank for video keys in search engines, since delivery is limited to 4 first videos.
Therefore, if you occupy 5th place and higher in YouTube, you will not receive search traffic.
Oddly enough, video links are less moderated and deleted on forums, comments and social networks.
Post links to targeted forum threads with more comments and views.
Look for other popular services where you can post reviews.
5.3. LINKS
Links also play an important role for ranking in YouTube and in search engines.
With ahrefs.com, analyze your competitors ' reference profile and develop a promotion strategy.
Ahrefs.com - in the free version gives limited information, for the sake of completeness, use the full version.
Video content always enriches any other content, therefore it has a double benefit.
Many sites do not post videos on YouTube, but on their hosting.
Also for this purpose use third-party services like wistia.com
82% of video output in Google from YouTube, it’s more difficult to rank in your video, but it is possible.
Let's define the steps.
Place your video at the top of the page, center or right.
Write under the video transcription, so that search engines better understand what it is about.
Do not make a complex transcription format, it should be easily digestible and perceived.
Schema.org also works for video.
  • Use intriguing intuitive Title.
  • Description should describe the essence of the video.
  • Set the duration of the video and date.
  • Use an interesting picture to represent your video.
You can install schema.org manually or use wistia.com .
For WordPress, this function can be implemented via the Yoast plugin .
Notify your subscribers about the new video.
The graph shows a surge of activity after sending information about the video.
It's simple and damn effective.
Videos that are interested in users appear on the main page of your channel (unless, of course, you have a lot of videos).
Video enriches the content, makes it better perceived.
These articles will promote your video feed.
Remember the relevance, the video should correspond to the topic.


To remove a viral video that will bring you millions of views is possible, but it is already very difficult.
300 hours of video download every minute.
In connection with such a huge amount of video search engine, correct optimization is important, otherwise the content will not fall into the search and few subscribers will see it.
Follow our recommendations for white video promotion:
  1. Search for keys , analysis of indicators.
  2. Shoot a cool video under the selected keys.
  3. Perform internal video optimization.
  4. Raise the credibility of the video channel.
  5. Promote the video with links.
Take this job as seriously as you promote the site.
Write in the comments as you promote the video.
Ask questions, we will answer them.

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