середа, 17 жовтня 2018 р.

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Раскрутка Ютуб Канала | Раскрутка Видео Ютуб | За Деньги | "Под Ключ" - Реклама / поліграфія / маркетинг / інтернет Київ на Olx

How to promote the YouTube channel in 2018

Maxim Yakovlev, teacher and Product Manager of the video blogging AIR Academy , a certified expert in YouTube Analytics, Google Analytics and Google Adwords with 8 years of experience in Internet marketing, told what 5 factors affect the promotion of the YouTube channel in 2018.
2017 was quite productive and effective for those who saw the prospect of creating and maintaining a YouTube channel as a source of additional income. Or as a source of effective representation of your business and obtaining additional leads and sales.
If you don’t use YouTube to make money or grow your business - think about it today. Because YouTube is a place where a large number of hungry people gather according to your content. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google - the potential is endless!
You can effectively use YouTube to expand your business on the Internet. To advertise their products or services. You can grow a new channel to attract Central Asia, where your competitors still have a cat. Because YouTube is a fairly new field and almost unplowed. And now is the moment when it is worth doing. Plus, the effectiveness of all actions on YouTube can be easily monitored with properly configured Google-analytics.
So, my top 5 influence factors on YouTube channel promotion in 2018.

1. Quality content

The technical aspects of the YouTube site, its algorithms and video distribution rules are all possible and necessary to use, but this is not the main thing - the content decides. You can make a good video, where there will be an interesting story, a fascinating plot, great humor and zero optimization. But you will get a lot of views, subscribers and success on YouTube, which can be monetized.

2. High-quality picture and sound

You have a great idea for a video that you are going to implement. But for your viewer to enjoy this masterpiece, it should be pleasant to the eye and to the ear. A good camera with stabilization (which is available in almost any smartphone) will provide you with a high-quality image, it can be enough at the first stage. By the way, there are bloggers with more than 1,000,000 subscribers who only shoot on a smartphone.
You also should not forget about the sound - it is very important. Think of the technical issues in the YouTube video that are the most annoying to you? It may not be immediately obvious, but it is sound. He is very important. You don't always watch videos. Often you can just listen to him.

3. Optimize the YouTube channel

We can say that the channel is your website on YouTube and it needs to be properly optimized and prepared for work:
  • come up with a memorable name;
  • assign a beautiful custom URL;
  • make design decoration;
  • customize homepage and playlists;
  • set channel tags;
  • set up monetization;
  • Link a YouTube channel to the site, Google Adwords, Google Analytics.

4. Optimize YouTube videos

For a video to bring subscribers, views and, of course, income in the form of monetization or sale, it must be correctly optimized:
  • SEO title design;
  • logical and useful description structure;
  • properly spelled tags;
  • the presence of prompts, subtitles and final screensavers
  • clickback cover.
This all influences how your video will be ranked in YouTube search, get into similar ones, and how the audience will interact with this video.

5. Interaction with video

The way you interact with your video shows you and YouTube how much the content is like to the viewer. This is called the engagement rate, an indicator that YouTube’s algorithms take into account when ranking your video. And your task is to work to ensure that this interaction is as intense and positive as possible.
The list of parameters that affect the level of involvement:
  • audience retention (as a percentage);
  • likes / dislikes (in quantity);
  • comments (in quantity);
  • intensity (number of interactions per unit of time);
  • viewing time (in minutes).
As an example, a good retention of the audience for beauty subjects starts at 40%, and the average management rate is 3.25%.
This is just the tip of the YouTube iceberg. But this is already enough to begin effective work on your YouTube channel. If you want to upgrade your skill, I can advise you 2 courses:

1. YouTube for business

Here you can develop a strategy for your YouTube channel and study in detail all the technical aspects of working on the YouTube channel.

2. Level Advanced

A course for those who want to make money on the YouTube channel. The issues of creativity, production, promotion and management for YouTube channels are studied in depth.

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